Monday, April 18, 2011

Speeding Tickets

Are no bueno! Several weeks ago I was heading to Tulsa to attend a friend's bridal shower, and was blasting the music in road trip mode, and wasn't paying attention to the fact that I was no longer in a 70 MPH and the speed limit dropped to 60.

But let's take a little side trip story about 35N from Norman to Oklahoma City. Norman's speed limits are 60-65. Moore it goes up to 70 then back down to 65 then Oklahoma City it's 60. This is in a span of a mile. And the cop in the motorcycle was just waiting for me.

Ok so I get pulled over (note: the only time I was pulled over was because I had a broken tail light and he just wanted me to know.) and this guy was pretty decent except for the fact that he still gave me a ticket.

Not blaming anyone because I was speeding, but this whole process of getting rid of it is a pain in the ass. Since I've never been pulled over for speeding, I was given the option of taking driver improvement school so the citation could be off my record and my insurance won't go up. Clearly I like this route since it also is cheaper than just paying the fine. I immediately call the next day but my citation hasn't been filed yet and won't be filed for another seven days. She just said to call back when it's been filed. So after I received my pay check which was last Friday, I wait till today and apparently I have to go to court in the city to sign up for these stupid classes. Pain in my ass. Who knew a damn ticket would be so annoying? Never again.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm Baaaaack

Hello 7 people who are following me! So I haven't written in almost a year because I was in Italian depression for a few months and then I had the brilliant idea of taking 17 hours and graduating early, therefore I had absolutely no life, and then I have spent the past few months deciding on what I want to do when I grow up. Slash enjoying my free time and catching up on much needed sleep. So since you asked I'm going to sum up what's been up:


Summer school, pool sessions, waiting for my friends in Italy to come back, catching up with other friends from OK, and failing at job finding.


Same damn story


Rush, those weeks are always a blur but I come out of it with numb feet, a missing voice, and a closer than ever bond with my sorority sisters. After rush I began working at where I worked before I went to Italy and school started quickly after that. Even though I was already killing myself with school, I decided to pick up another minor (Italian)


September basically went like this maybe more events but here's the basic layout: school, work, Logan's on Friday, Football on Saturday, Sorority business on Sunday. I truly love OU in the fall.

I'm one of those people who like to have a basic outline of their lives planned for the future. Junior year I planned out my life, well kind of: Go to Italy, graduate early, don't date until you move to Houston, find a job, get an MBA, meet a nice young man when you're 25, get married later, etc. God laughed at the whole "don't date until you move to Houston part" Because after the Florida State game, I went to a house party (which I'm usually too tired to go), I went with two of my good friends (though it's not like we hang out all the time), and one of my friends invited one of her high school friends to come over and hang out, and he was only in town for the weekend. We haven't looked back since. We are the cutest, and dorkiest couple ever, and I would not have it any other way. We're awesome. I asked him out to a football game the following weekend, he took me to the Oklahoma State Fair (I've never been) and we got tickets to see Muse in October. September was a good month : ) (cheesiest post ever I'll stop I promise)


I ruled out being a Foreign Service Officer, but it worked out because I think I wouldn't really like working for the government...unless it was the CIA because that would be really cool.

OU/TX: Best time ever. Lived it up at the West End, almost got into a fight with Dallas Cowboy fans, saw the same 25 year old Cowboys fan make out with a 60 year old (gross), I climbed over a fence to get in a club then walked right up to the bouncer to get stamped, and to top it all off, we won!!


I don't remember. I purposely blocked it out of my mind because it was filled with exams, projects, and papers. It was awful. I had no life.

December: I graduated, I celebrated Christmas, I conquered.

More to come on my life now.