So last week, I got to celebrate my 21st birthday. (Ti auguri a te!) It was a great great birthday. We (Brittany, Andrew, Chelsea, and myself) woke up early on Saturday, got on the train, and spent the day in Florence. I love Florence. It's so beautiful, and the shopping is great. I bought myself a scarf, and two pairs of much needed sunglasses. The goal was to look for shoes. FAIL. I did find a pair that I fell in love with, however my test walk resembled a penguin waddle. So they were a no go. It's fine before I leave I will have a pair of black Italian patent leather stilettos with a round but slightly pointed toe <--this might be another reason why I cannot easily find shoes. We returned home and ate delicious lemon biscuit cookies that Halie baked. I'm slightly addicted to them. Then a bunch of us got ready and celebrated at Aurora and the favorite Mr. Blooms. Good times.
Here's something I'm really excited about. Next Thursday is my last Italian class! You might think, "But Kaitlyn, why are you excited? Shouldn't you want to learn Italian forever?" But I say, "Nay. I've been learning Italian since the age of fourteen. This is my extent, and my Mondays and Thursdays will be completely free to do other fun things like travel and take day trips to the English bookstore in Florence." Plus I feel really awkward asking Italian students why Rome is "a bitch among pigs." Yes, we had to do that in class.
So today we went to Siena for our art class. Freaking cool, and really pretty. We stopped by St. Catherine's of Siena, where we saw her thumb and her head. Being the Catholic nerd that I am, this was really exciting.
a. People back then were tiny. She had the head the size of an infant. (ok maybe a small child)
b. I could not believe I was standing in a church where crazy miracles happened. Ok Catholic nerd moment done.
Then we went to the museum by the Duomo and saw the Maesta, and other works of art. The Maesta by Duccio is crazy (look it up). So many stories in one altar piece. It really pissed me off that they decided to replace it with an ugly tabernacle.
Then we got to go to the top of the wall that was meant to be part of the church, but wasn't completely built because of the plague. I can't remember the name of it "ugly something" but yeah. Here are a few things I'm thankful for
a. I am not fat
b. I am the size of a small child
Otherwise the climb to the top would have been impossible. The climb was worth it. The view was the best view I have gotten of Tuscany. (pictures will be loaded soon on here). But that wind was flying. It made me reminisce of Oklahoma just a bit. We also got to look around the duomo, and eat a really awesome lunch. Props to Sam being the first American to eat Tripe at that restaurant. Siena is gorgeous, and is full of history, so if ever in Tuscany make a stop.
Sounds like a whole lot of fun. We are envious. Enjoy!