Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Hills are Alive!!!

Yes I went to Vienna for the weekend to see my friends Eva and Kathrin. I have known Eva and Kathrin since eighth grade. Their dad worked with my dad for about six months, and I lived in their pool for a summer. Chair races were a popular game at the time haha.

So I got to spend the night in Florence on Friday night because my flight left the next morning at 6:45 am. Che schifo! Luckily for me, the hostel put me in a room with a gorgeous view of the Duomo and the Campanile. So the next morning I woke up and walked to Santa Maria Novella, caught a cab, and went to the airport. Let me tell you about Austrian Air. I will forever love them because instead of giving out peanuts, they gave out Austrian chocolate bars. Chocolate bars!! So delicious. The plane ride was super short, and we had to stop in Bologna, which was a joke because the plane literally took off from Florence, then we leveled out for a minute, then the plane went back down.

When I got to the Vienna airport Eva, Kathrin, and Irmagard were there to greet me and Kathrin's boyfriend Lorenz was super nice to drive us around. The first thing we did was get breakfast. This was an exciting moment because Italy's breakfast equals a croissant and coffee. Breakfast fail! Austria's breakfast equals eggs and ham. Breakfast win! Actually Austria's food in general is a win. There was nothing gross in that country. After breakfast, we walked around and did some sightseeing. Then we did some shopping at H&M, my weakest link. We got a tour of Kathrin's cute apartment and then Peter came over and we went to dinner where I had Wienerschnitzel and potatoes, and this kick ass soup. Oh and I saw the Austrian president on the street. Bawlin!

The next morning, Kathrin and I woke up, had a nice breakfast, went to a place where she could vote for their president, and then we met up with Eva and went to Schonbrun palace (the summer home of Maria Therese, Marie Antoinette when she was little, and Sissi who had ankle length hair). Touring houses and palaces is a favorite of mine so clearly I had a lot of fun. We also went through some mazes and took a stroll along the gardens. I saw this little boy with an OU hat and I almost freaked out, but luckily I didn't go over and scream and scare him and his mom. Success. We then had lunch where I got a caesar salad (hey dressing doesn't exist in Italy). We then had an early night. The next morning I got up and met Kathrin who works at the Belvedere museum, and we looked through the whole museum chatting about art. There was this one room that reminded me of the Ballroom where Beauty and the Beast danced in. It was a good day. Then I had to fly back to Florence, spent the night, and then went back to Arezzo.

Good times. I really want to go back to see Graz and Salzburg. This will be my next trip to Europe.

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